• Service description

    The contents of the will are made known to those who stand to inherit. If there are no heirs, the contents of the will are made known to the State Treasury. This notification is issued after the estate inventory. A completed estate inventory is a prerequisite for the State Treasury approving the will.

    Approximately 60 per cent of the people who have died without heirs had drawn up a will.

  • The service is intended for

    People who have been bequeathed property by someone without heirs.

  • Instructions

    Do not send original documents to the State Treasury. We digitise all documents sent to us related to estates of those who have died without heirs and store them as electronic files. All paper documents are destroyed in connection with digitisation.

    Send the following documents to the State Treasury along with the submission of the will for information:

    1. The notification form for wills

    2. Optional documents to send:

    • a copy of the estate inventory and a copy of the will authenticated by a Notary Public or
    • a copy of the estate inventory and will and a separate copy of the “uskotun miehen vakuutus” form (the trustee’s affirmation) for both trustees or
    • a copy of the estate inventory containing an affirmation corresponding to the “uskotun miehen vakuutus” (the trustee’s affirmation) form given by both trustees, as well as a copy of the will

    3. If the receiver of the inheritance does not have a residence in Finland, a life certificate from the authorities of the country in which he resides

    4. If the receiver of the inheritance is an association or foundation, a copy of the registration certificate

    You can download the notification form for wills and the trustee’s affirmation form on the FORMS, LEGISLATION tab on this page (in Finnish).

    Send the documents to kirjaamo@valtiokonttori.fi or
    State Treasury, Matters related to wills, P.O. Box 300, 00054 State Treasury.

    Please note that if you intend to use the “uskotun miehen vakuutus” form in connection with the notification of the will, the trustees of the estate inventory must be unchallengeable so that they, their spouse or unmarried partner or their descendants cannot benefit from the will.

    The State Treasury reserves the right to request to see the original will. The receiver of the inheritance is obliged to keep the original will for six months after the will has been submitted for information.

    The State Treasury will approve the will if no formal errors are present and there is no other impediment to the approval.

    After the State Treasury has approved the will, it can be executed immediately, i.e. the ownership of the property is passed on to the receiver of the inheritance.

    Wills are governed by strict requirements in form. It is recommended to use expert legal help when drawing up a will.