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Compensation for accidents in crisis management tasks

  • Service description

    If you are injured or fall ill during a military crisis management service, the Pori Brigade or the sending unit will cover the costs of your treatment during your service period.

    If you are injured or fall ill during a civilian crisis management service, compensation will be paid by the insurance of the operation in which you serve or by the state travel accident insurance.

    The State Treasury’s accident insurance covers treatment costs and loss of earnings after the end of service.

  • Preconditions for receiving compensation

    The service is intended for those who are injured or fall ill:

    * in military crisis management tasks,
    * in civilian crisis management tasks,
    * in tasks related to providing international aid, or
    * while serving in a military capacity for the Finnish Border Guard in the activities of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).

  • Follow these instructions

    If you fall ill or are involved in an accident during your service, seek treatment. Make copies of your patient documents at the service location.

    If your illness or injury continues after your service, fill in and submit a Notification of a Service related Accident or Illness in the State Treasury’s e-service.

    Obtain a sick leave certificate if you are unable to work or study.

    The State Treasury will only pay compensation for the period after the end of your service.

    Expenses must be claimed within one year of their occurrence.

  • Mental support and care

    Those who have taken part in military service are eligible for rehabilitation compensation for the costs of their mental support and care. The need for support or care must have a probable cause-effect relationship to the service or task in question. Costs can be compensated for up to one year from the onset of the need for support.

    If, after your service, you feel that you need support for any mental health symptoms, stress, or adaptation issues, contact the Psychiatric Consultation Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS).

    The need for support is assessed at the HUS Psychiatric Trauma Outpatient Clinic
    • Visiting address: Tukholmankatu 8 F, Helsinki, floor 5
    • Phone: +358 9 471 73511, Mon-Fri 8:00am–3:00pm
    • No referral or payment commitment is necessary for an assessment!
    • No information is disclosed to the employer.

    Further treatment requires a payment commitment from the State Treasury. Treatment is provided in your municipality or region of residence.

  • If you are injured in crisis management duties, you will be compensated for the necessary:

    • medical care,
    • medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation related to functional capacity (e.g. physiotherapy),
    • compensation for lost income,
    • compensation for permanent disability and, if necessary,
    • vocational rehabilitation should you be unable to return to your former employment or studies

    An additional compensation of up to EUR 210,000 can be paid for any permanent harm caused by the accident. For a partial permanent disability, a lump sum can be paid in accordance with the relevant disability category. A precondition for receiving additional compensation is that the accident has occurred during service or a drill or training exercise in a military service area abroad.

  • Travel expenses

    Any direct travel expenses arising from the treatment of a service-related accident or illness are reimbursed. These include the expenses incurred by a necessary trip to a physician, hospital, or other medical institution. As a rule, travel expenses are reimbursed for the most affordable mode of travel. If you use your own car, you will receive half of the tax-exempt kilometre allowance approved annually by the Finnish Tax Administration.

  • Compensation in the event of death

    Survivors’ pension

    Survivors’ pension is paid if the death was caused by an accident or service-related illness. The maximum compensation is 70% of the annual earnings of the deceased person. The survivors’ pension consists of the surviving spouse’s pension and orphan’s pension.

    The surviving spouse’s pension is paid to the spouse or cohabiting partner of the deceased. A cohabiting partner is a person living in a shared household with whom you share a child or with whom you have concluded an agreement on mutual maintenance certified by a notary public.

    The orphan’s pension is paid to children under the age of 18 or full-time students under the age of 25.

    Funeral allowance

    The funeral allowance is paid to the person who paid for the funeral. In addition, the necessary costs of transporting the deceased from the place of death to their municipality of residence or domicile will be reimbursed.

    Additional death-related compensation

    If a person dies while performing their service, additional compensation will be paid to the beneficiary or relatives of the deceased person. The total amount of this additional compensation is EUR 240,000. In addition, 20% of the additional compensation is paid to each underage child. The additional compensation is subject to inheritance tax.

    By issuing a designation of beneficiaries, the participant in the crisis management task can decide who will receive the additional compensation in the event of their death. Without a designation of beneficiaries, the additional compensation is paid to the person’s next of kin in the order specified in the Finnish Code of Inheritance.

    Additional compensation is paid after a compensable accident or service-related illness that has occurred during service. Additional compensation is not paid for accidents during domestic training.

    Traffic accident

    If the death occurred in connection with a traffic accident, the victim may also be entitled to compensation under the Motor Liability Insurance Act. A reasonable sum of burial and other funeral-related costs can be compensated where not covered by the funeral allowance.

    The compensations are based on the Act on Compensation for Accidents and Service-Related Illnesses in Crisis Management Duties (1522/2016), the Workers’ Compensation Act (459/2015) and the Motor Liability Insurance Act (460/2016).

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    Requests for further clarification

    Respond to the request for further clarification you have received or correct the incorrect information already provided in the e-service as soon as possible. By using the e-service to submit your further clarification, you can ensure that your application is processed quickly.

  • Designation of beneficiaries

    Form for issuing a designation of beneficiaries:

    Designation of beneficiaries >

  • Legislation

  • Military Accident Advisory Board

    The Military Accident Advisory Board was appointed by a decision of the Director General of the State Treasury in autumn 2011.

    The Advisory Board includes members from the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Command, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the State Treasury, and the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS).

    The duties of the Advisory Board include
    • addressing fundamental issues related to military accidents
    • drawing up policies on matters
    • highlighting the views of different parties on topical issues
    • examining matters from different perspectives in a versatile manner
    • issuing mandates related to these
    • consulting experts when necessary.

    The Advisory Board is also responsible for providing information on insurance cover and awareness-raising matters through different cooperation channels. This enables the continuous monitoring and updating of the State Treasury’s compensation policy, responding to changes arising from environmental factors, and ensuring the legal protection of the parties concerned.

    The Advisory Board is an advisory expert body that does not make decisions or settle individual compensation matters.

    The Advisory Board is convened 2–4 times a year. A notice is prepared for each meeting and published on our website.