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The Payments service will be subject to a charge from the beginning of 2020

A man and a woman in a meeting with their laptops.The Government proposal to change the National Service Architecture (KaPA) legislation has advanced to Parliament. The amendment to the legislation will make the Payments service subject to a charge in the beginning of next year. Payments processed by the service will remain free for any organisation using the service until the end of 2019. Payments is an online payment collection and administration service intended for the entire public administration. It enables secure payments to public administration organisations. According to the KaPA Act, using the service is compulsory. The act is also known as the Electronic Transactions Act.

The amendment to the legislation will make Payments subject to a charge as of 1 January 2020. The State Treasury is in charge of invoicing for the costs of the service.

The KaPA Act specifies which organisations with public administrative duties are responsible for adopting the Payments service. These organisations include municipalities and other municipal organisations as well as accounting units. With the Payments service, customers of public administration organisations can make online payments to the service’s user organisations, such as municipalities and state authorities. The purpose of the uniform service is to save organisations’ financial administration resources and costs, and allow for the provision of centralised support and service management.

The Payments service transfers payments made out to authorities by citizens to public administration organisations. The service can be connected to existing electronic services and new services being planned, or it can be used to replace conventional office services. The Payments service accepts various payment methods, such as online payments from several banks, debit and credit cards issued by Visa and Mastercard as well as the American Express charge card. The service is currently being provided by Paytrail Oyj, which the State Treasury has selected as their vendor through competitive tendering.

Read more about the Government proposal for the amendment of the KaPA Act (in Finnish).

You can direct any questions about the initial information on the future prices and payments in the payments service to

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