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The application round for closure compensation is ending

The application round for closure compensation for micro and small companies with less than 50 employees ends on Tuesday 31 August at 4.15 pm.

A company may receive closure compensation if its premises were temporarily closed to customers in March-April because of the Act on Accommodation and Food Service Activities. Compensation may also be paid to companies ordered by the municipality or the Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI) to close under Section 58g of the Communicable Diseases Act. The closure compensation applies to restaurants and other food and beverage serving companies, as well as sports facilities, gyms, spas and indoor playgrounds.

You can apply for closure compensation, if:

  • the company has a Finnish Business ID
  • the company group has less than 50 employees


  • the customer premises of the food and beverage serving company have been closed by a government decree, OR
  • gym, indoor sports venue etc. is closed by AVI order

The form of the company is not relevant to obtaining compensation.

The closure compensation is applied for through the State Treasury’s e-service. Compensation must be applied for within four months of the end of the month in which the obligation to close ended.

Further information

Target group: Associations and organizations Companies and organisations

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