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The application period for business cost support ends on 26 February- apply for cost support now

The application period for cost support will end on 26 February 2021 at 16:15. That means there is about a week left of the application period. The State Treasury kindly encourages all businesses eligible for business cost support to apply for it.

Applications must be received by 16:15

It is a good idea to submit the cost support application in time. The applications must be received by the State Treasury by 26 February 2021 at 16:15, regardless of whether the application is sent by the electronic service channel or by mail. Applications sent by mail must be received by the Registrar’s office of the State Treasury by 16:15. Therefore, that day’s post-office stamp is not enough.

You should not wait until the last possible moment to submit your application, in case something unexpected happens, such as your Internet connection suddenly slowing down.

Remember to submit the saved application

The State Treasury’s e-services contain almost 2 000 unfinished cost support applications. There is still time to supplement and submit your incomplete application. You can check the status of your business from the Statistics: Business cost support (second round) page. The report is updated every weekday, and it shows all pending applications and decisions made.

The State Treasury is here to help

The State Treasury website contains application instructions in Finnish, Swedish and English; video instructions for completing the application; a record of the cost support webinar and answers to frequently asked questions. You can use a calculator and a table to estimate the amount of cost support you may be eligible for and if you are able to meet the minimum cost support amount (EUR 2,000).

The cost support telephone service is open on weekdays 9:00–15:00, tel. 0295 50 3050.

Nearly EUR 133 million paid in cost support

The State Treasury has been accepting applications for business cost support since 21 December 2020. So far, the State Treasury has paid nearly 133 million euros in cost support. Cost support has been granted to approximately 5 200 companies, and the average payment amount per company is approximately EUR 25 000.

You can find up-to-date information on the number of applications for business cost support received and decisions made on the page Statistics: Business cost support (second round). The report is updated every weekday.

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