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Applying for cost support from the State Treasury has began

The application for cost support started at the State Treasury today, 27 April at 9 am. The application period continues until 23 June 2021.

You do not have to apply for a cost support as soon as the application opens. The support is provided for by law, so all companies that meet the conditions for receiving the support and apply for it by the deadline will receive it.

The support is conditional on a reduction in turnover

The support is intended for companies whose turnover has fallen significantly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and whose wages and other costs for the support period (1 November 2020 to 28 February 2021) are difficult to adjust.

There are three conditions for receiving a cost support:

  • the company’s own turnover has decreased by more than 30% compared to the reference period
  • the company has at least €2000 eligible costs for the support period
  • the company has a business ID

The sectors covered by the support are defined in the Government Decree. The list of sectors targets the  support to companies affected by the the COVID-19 pandemic. However, if the company’s business is not covered by the Decree, the company can apply for a cost support if its turnover has fallen by more than 30% compared to the reference period due to the corona pandemic.

The State Treasury and business counselors help

The State Treasury’s website at contains a wealth of information, frequently asked questions and comprehensive instructions for filling in the application. In addition, applicants have a cost support calculator that allows them to estimate the amount of support to be paid.

The State Treasury also works with business advisors from the Alueesi korona-apu -network. Entrepreneurs can get help from business counselors on issues related to cost support applications.

Decisions and statistics are published on the State Treasury’s website

Expenditure support applications and decisions are published on the State Treasury’s website. From the page, you can monitor, for example, the stage of processing applications and reporting information on applications and their processing. The first statistics for the search will be published the day after the search starts.

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