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Privacy policy: Accidents during travel – reporting of invited persons

3 October 2017

1. Controller

Name: State Treasury
Address: Sörnäisten rantatie 13, P.O. Box 14, FI-00054 State Treasury
Other contact details: tel. +358 (0)295 50 2000,

2. Contact person for filing system-related matters

Name: Services for Citizens / Päivi Kaukinen
Address: Services for Citizens, P.O. Box 14, FI-00054 State Treasury
Other contact details:

3. Data protection officer

4. Purpose for processing of personal data

The processing is based on the Act on Compensation for Damage on State Official Journeys.

The purpose is the processing of injury matters under the purview of the State Treasury that have occurred during official government journeys abroad.

The information in the register is used to determine whether or not the person in question is covered by the travel protection scheme.

5. Information content of the register

Personal data or company information

The register is used to store data concerning persons invited by an authority and the authority extending the invitation: date of notice, name of the person invited, nationality of the person invited, date of birth / personal identity code of the person invited, home address of the person invited, contact details of the person submitting the notice, name of the agency extending the invitation, date of invitation, target country.

Injury suffered by the invited person: Privacy policy: Accidents during travel

6. Normal data sources

The information is provided by the authority that has invited the person to carry out a task in Finland or abroad.

Before the beginning of the travel, the authority in question must report to the State Treasury any civil servant beginning an official journey exceeding three months, including any family members who will travel with them as well as invited persons referred to in Section 18 of the Act on Compensation for Damage on State Official Journeys.

7. Regular disclosures of data

The provider of the travel assistance service is informed whether or not the party in question is covered by the travel protection scheme. Falck Global Assistance Oy and the State Treasury have signed a service agreement and separate security agreement. Requirements regarding data security are appended to the service agreement and security agreement.

Information required to identify the person in question (name and personal identity code) are handed over to health care authorities and facilities to obtain the information needed to resolve the compensation matter.

8. Regular disclosures of personal data or transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

The details necessary for the handling of the accident proceedings (information on coverage, payment commitments to health care facilities) are also provided to parties outside the EU or EEC.

More information on the privacy policy of Falck Global Assistance Oy, which provides the travel assistance service, can be found at:

9.  Principles for filing system protection

Only individuals authorised by the controller, who are under obligation of secrecy, have access to the data.

10. Data storage period / criteria for determining storage period

The stipulations of the Archives Act 831/1994 are observed with regard to the storage of documents.

If the archives service has not specified the documents for permanent storage, the following storage periods will be observed:

12 months from the journey for information on the travel

Injury suffered by the invited person: Privacy policy: Accidents during travel

11. Information about automatic decision-making and information about the logic of data processing and its impacts on the data subject

The processing of the data does not entail automated decision-making.

12. Right of access

The data subject has the right to access their data in the register. Requests should be sent to the registry office.

In the event that the data subject has exercised their right of access less than one year ago, the controller may collect a fee based on the administrative costs caused by the provision of the data.

13. Rectification of data

Data subjects are entitled to request corrections to any incorrect information the register may contain on them. Requests should be sent to the registry office.

14. The right to object to processing of personal data

The State Treasury processes personal data in order to carry out its statutory duties, and the data subject does not have the right to object to the processing of their personal data.

15. Right to restriction of processing

The data subject has the right to restrict the processing of their personal data as specified in Article 18 of the GDPR.

16. Right to erasure

The State Treasury processes personal data in order to carry out its statutory duties, and the data subject does not have the right to have their personal data removed.

17. Right to lodge a complaint

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if the data subject believes that their rights have been infringed by the actions of the controller.

18. Other rights

Personal data is neither used nor disclosed for the purpose of direct advertising, distance marketing or other direct marketing, market and opinion research, registers of individuals, or genealogies.

19. Use of cookies

The data system does not use cookies.

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