Our operating principle
The State Treasury is a reliable realiser of the State budget and bold reformer of the State’s operating practices for the good of society and its customers.
Our values
The State Treasury’s values are the common good, customer relations and well-being and development. These values guide all State Treasury operations. They are manifested in the decisions, operations and operating models carried out by the State Treasury, taking the principles of sustainable development into account.
Common good
We identify and promote solutions for the overall good of society. We accept the shared values of central government. Our operations do not contradict the goals resulting from political steering.
Customer relations
Our objective in service provision is high quality. We understand our customers’ needs, while taking the feedback and development suggestions we obtain into account. We provide our customers with positive service experiences.
Well-being and development
We actively seek development suggestions and react rapidly to these. We are committed to the development of our work community and ourselves. We value one another’s work.