Originally, the title of the government employee in charge of the State Treasury was director-in-chief, ‘ylitirehtööri’. This title was used from 1875 to 1940. In addition to other matters, the act on the State Treasury from 1940 decreed on the reform of official titles, making the director-in-chief the director general.
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Frenckell 1875–1879Otto Reinhold Frenckell was born on 20 July 1823 in Turku. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1839. He was a partner at Frenckellin kirjapaino- ja kustannusliike (the Frenckell printing and publishing house) in 1844–56. A merchant in Helsinki. Consul to the United States in 1850–80, consul to Brazil in 1861–80. An author of both financial texts and fiction. Worked as a newspaper man and wrote his thesis Om det industriella arbetet i förhållande till nationalförmögenheten (1860), which has been dubbed a song of praise to free competition and trade. Regardless of the fact that the State Treasury was in many ways completely dependent on the financial committee, as director-in-chief of the agency, Otto Frenckell strived to present the agency as independent. |
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Calamnius 1879–1891Sixtus Viktor Calamnius was born on 2 July 1826 in Vaasa. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1842. Degree in general law in 1847, suurempi kameraalitutkinto (degree in public finances) in 1852. Senior lawyer in 1851. Copying clerk for the general office of the senate in 1853, copying clerk for the Administration Committee in 1854, clerk in 1858. Valtiovaraintoimituskunnan protokollasihteeri (protocol secretary for the state finance committee) in 1862, maanviljelys- ja yleisten töiden toimituskunnan esittelijäsihteeri (rapporteur secretary for the committee for agricultural and other work) in 1867, siviilitoimituskunnan esittelijäsihteeri (rapporteur secretary for the Civil Department of the Finnish Senate) in 1872. Sixtus Calamnius proved to be a diligent government employee and the records of the State Treasury show that he saw things in a broader framework than just that of finance. |
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Geitlin 1891–1903Wilhelm Gabriel Geitlin was born on 20 August 1838 in Raisio. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1855. Degree of senior lawyer and degree in public finances in 1860. Copying clerk for the state finance committee in 1863, assistant treasurer in 1866, clerk in 1872, protocol secretary in 1873. Gabriel Geitlin was a firm expert in central government finances and accounts and he steered the State Treasury towards a new status and new tasks with the reform he implemented at the turn of the century. |
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Paasikivi 1903–1914Juho Kusti Paasikivi was born on 27 November 1870 in Tampere (H.l. Koski). Until 1887, his last name was the Swedish-speaking Hellsten. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1890. Master of Arts in 1892, Master of Laws in 1897, licentiate and doctorate in 1901. University lecturer in Finnish in 1899, assistant to the Administrative Court in 1902. In his memoirs, Juho Kusti Paasikivi recalls considering the position of director-in-chief at the State Treasury and deciding to accept the offer because the State Treasury was a small agency at the time, and he thought he might be able to continue with his academic work. This was not the case, however, as Paasikivi was increasingly involved in public affairs, which caused him to be absent from his post at the State Treasury for long periods of time. The Paasikivi era was characterised by a significant conflict between Finland and Russia. Being a compliant man, Paasikivi thought he was obliged to comply with the regulations issued in Saint Petersburg, even if they were issued illegally. Parliament did not look kindly upon this. Further information: https://kansallisbiografia.fi/english/person/631 |
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Wartiovaara 1915–1937Jonathan Vindician Wartiovaara was born on 23 August 1875 in Antrea. Until 1906, his last name was the Swedish-speaking Weckman. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1893. Bachelor’s degree in 1896, master’s degree in 1897, yl. hallintotutkinto (master’s degree in administration) in 1903. Senior clerk at the head office of the Bank of Finland in 1899–1900, senior clerk at the bank’s office in Saint Petersburg in 1900–03, first assistant treasurer of the finance committee of the senate in 1904, cashier at the State Treasury in 1910, but held a post as the acting treasurer of the finance committee. Minister of Finance in 1920–21. As an expert in financial administration, Jonathan Wartiovaara served as important support for the weak government finance administrators in the senate of the time. The Setälä senate deemed him so skilled that he was invited to serve as special advisor to finance senator Leo Ehrnrooth. Wartiovaara had extensive knowledge of the formal side of central government finances, and he oversaw the precision and accuracy of the work in the agency, but then again, was not an advocate or supporter for radical reforms. |
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Lundqvist 1937–1940Sigfrid Reguel Lundqvist was born on 25 March 1879 in Nykarleby. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1897. Law Degree in 1902, yl. hallintotutkinto (master’s degree in administration) in 1902. Senior lawyer in 1904. Clerk for Valtionrautatiet in 1906, notary for the 1st district in 1910. Clerk for the committee for agricultural work in 1912, valtiovaraintoimituskunnan protokollasihteeri (protocol secretary for the state finance committee) in 1914, Senior Officer for Legal Affairs in 1922. Left the Ministry of Finance to become the legal director of the State Treasury on 17 January 1927 and held the post of the acting director-in-chief in 1937–1940, resigned on 1 June 1940. Died in Helsinki on 20 March 1955. |
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Minni 1940–1947Juhana Wilho Minni was born on 14 October 1879 in Joutsa. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1896. Bachelor’s and master’s degree in 1900, yl. hallintotutkinto (master’s degree in administration) in 1909. Assistant to the inspector of savings banks in 1904–13, accountant for the State Treasury in 1913–15, assistant treasurer and treasurer for Metsähallitus in 1915–19, clerk for the Ministry of Agriculture in 1919–21, first assistant treasurer for the Ministry of Education in 1921–23, Senior Officer for Legal Affairs for the Ministry of Finance in 1923, Deputy Chief Secretary for the budget department in 1927. The post of the director-in-chief was renamed Director General in connection with the reorganisation of the State Treasury in 1940. The posts of the Director General and other directors became posts with a contractual salary, which emphasised their position in the banking sector. Hallitusneuvos (government counsellor) Minni had been involved in planning the reorganisation of the State Treasury and was also tasked with implementing it in the difficult war-time conditions. |
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Törngren 1948–1961Ralf Johan Gustaf Törngren was born on 1 March 1899 in Oulu. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1917. Bachelor’s degree (Åbo Akademi) in 1922, master’s degree in 1927. National economy lecturer at the Handelshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi institute of higher education in 1927–36, treasurer for the Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademi foundation in 1931–48. The leader of the Swedish People’s Party of Finland, Member of Parliament Ralf Törngren was a member of the Government for long periods of time during his time as the Director General, which meant that he needed a deputy on several occasions. On the other hand, many forward-thinking expansions of the tasks and reorganisations of the State Treasury were implemented during his time as Director General. |
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Kaitila 1962–1972Esa Heikki Kaitila was born on 22 April 1909 in Vyborg. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1928. Bachelor’s degree in 1934, master’s degree in 1936, licentiate in 1945, doctorate in 1950. Served Liiketieto Oy in 1940, served Valtion Tiedoituslaitos (state communications agency) in 1941, senior agent for the Valtionlainajärjestö organisation in 1941, supervisor at the personnel services office of Postisäästöpankki in 1942, officer for the statistics department of Suomen Työnantajain Keskusliitto (central union of Finnish employers) in 1942–43 and Permanent Secretary in 1944–46, director of the Government Institute for Economic Research in 1946–50, docent of business economics at the University of Helsinki in 1945–57 and 1960–73, docent of business economics at the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration in 1946–73, economics professor at the Turku School of Economics in 1950–57, acting professor in 1958–60, vice-rector in 1950–57. Assistant professor of national economy for the Law School of the University of Helsinki in 1958–62. The reforms that have become characteristic of the State Treasury in its efforts to be modernised were already planned and even implemented to a degree during the term of Esa Kaitila, a party leader and minister many times over. Since 1965, department heads were also members of the board of directors. In that same year, the director general ceased heading any department directly. |
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Teir 1973–1983Grels Olof Teir was born on 26 February 1916 in Lapväärtti. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1934. Master’s degree in Law in 1944, senior lawyer in 1947. Attorney at law in Kokkola in 1944–59, director of the Kokkola branch of Helsingin Osakepankki in 1959–71. Much like his predecessors, Grels Teir had also been a member of parliament and a minister several times over. The reforms that had been initiated by Director General Kaitila were established during his term. Died on 23 June 1999. |
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Vihmola 1983–1992Jaakko Juhani Vihmola was born on 23 February 1928 in Helsinki. Until 1932 his name was the Swedish-speaking Wittenberg. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1946. Master’s degree in Law in 1952, senior lawyer in 1954. Jaakko Vihmola served as the director of government labour markets in 1977–83, from where he was appointed Director General of the State Treasury on 1 March 1983. During Vihmola’s term, the operation of the State Treasury grew more versatile and international. Nordic cooperation was strengthened in particular. Thanks to the special interest of Director General Vihmola, the State Treasury is exceptionally well prepared for crises. |
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Wuolijoki 1992–2008Jukka Robert Wuolijoki was born on 24 March 1944 in Tampere. He completed the Matriculation Examination in 1963, Master of Laws in 1971. Jukka Wuolijoki joined the State Treasury in 1978 first as a department head and later as a chief director. He was appointed Director General on 1 April 1992. Wuolijoki steered the State Treasury through many quick reforms. Performance guidance was adopted in the operations by developing and adjusting the organisation as well as training the personnel. The stiff image of the State Treasury was transformed into that of a reinventing and service-minded government unit, all the while exceeding goals set for savings in terms of expenditure and person-years. |
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Laitinen 2008–Timo Laitinen was born on 12 April 1958 in Helsinki. He completed the Matriculation Examination at Töölön yhteiskoulu in 1976 and graduated as Master of Laws from the University of Helsinki in 1981. Laitinen worked in several management and development tasks at Pohjola-yhtiöt in 1982–1999. The tasks contained a multitude of services in the field of insurance, both in Finland and abroad. He was one of the founding partners of Talent Partners Oy in 2000 and served as its first managing director until 2003. In 2003, Laitinen was appointed Head of the Insurance Division at the State Treasury. He was appointed Director General on 16 June 2008. In his work he highlights the increase of customer-focused thinking in central government, including the comprehensive management of employer customers (agencies and institutions). He also likes to emphasise the importance of continually developing leadership as a prerequisite for the success of the State Treasury. |