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Invoicing the state

The state only receives e-invoices. Electronic invoicing is a prerequisite for the automation of financial administration.

From April 1 2021, the state will only receive invoices in accordance with the European standard.

Of all invoices sent to the state,
are electronic.
  • The state will only receive e-invoices compliant with the European standard. Invoices compliant with the European standard have a higher quality. This means that the processing of invoices is faster, which benefits both invoicers and invoice recipients. Further information on the requirements regarding the content and transmission of the invoice are available on the tabs Application instructions for public administration and instructions EN16931 as well as Minimum information content on an invoice.

    The state will not receive invoices attached to an email, as this is not an electronic invoice.

    In matters concerning individual invoices, you will receive instructions from the organisation you wish to invoice.

    Up-to-date electronic invoicing details of government agencies are available in the Electronic invoicing address list Verkkolaskuosoitteisto.


    Did you receive an invoice from the state?
    Further information on paying an invoice sent by the state >

Pilvi Palvelubotti

Pilvi Palvelubotti