The state’s payment transactions
The correct functioning of payment transactions must always be verified.
Yhteiskunnan hyväksi, asiakkaitamme kuunnellen.
The correct functioning of payment transactions must always be verified.
The state’s payment transactions must be conducted in a safe and economical manner. The appropriate functioning of transactions must always be verified, as they are critical for the state’s budgetary position, society’s ability to function, and the guaranteed means of support for citizens.
The State Treasury is in charge of steering the state’s payment transactions, developing the related processes and instruments, and monitoring the operative management of these transactions by the accounting units.
In connection with this steering and monitoring, the State Treasury provides the accounting units with orders and instructions.
In addition to that, we work in cooperation with various operators in order to further develop the processes, services and payment instruments. The implementation of new services and the development of the existing ones aims to improve the way in which the accounting units manage transactions and to ensure the continuity and security of the transactions.
We function as an expert on tenders connected to transaction services intended for the accounting units, and we also participate in arranging the tendering processes.