The State Treasury employs several online e-invoice addresses, and using the correct address will direct the invoice to the correct recipient faster. You must use the e-invoice address displayed here for invoicing related to occupational accidents, occupational diseases, State travel protection, conscripts’ military accidents and service diseases  (which have occurred after 1991).

The e-invoice is:

E-invoicing address/EDI identifier: 003702454401010

Posti Messaging Oy’s operator ID: FI28768767

The State Treasury’s business ID: 0245440-1

VAT ID: FI02454401

Recipient information on the e-invoice:

Matters related to occupational accidents                Matters related to military accidents
State Treasury                                                                State Treasury
PO Box 200                                                                     PO Box 250
00054 STATE TREASURY                                             00054 STATE TREASURY

State travel protection
State Treasury
PO Box 500

Additional information on the invoice:

The accident number must be given on the invoice in addition to the customer’s name. The accident number must be entered into the xml field of the invoice as is:

  1. either : <NotificationIdentifier>8605609</NotificationIdentifier>
  2. or : <BuyerReferenceIdentifier>8605609</BuyerReferenceIdentifier>

In the above examples, 8605609 is the accident number.

If you are a health service provider that uses the State Treasury’s electronic messaging service (Insurance hub), the electronic medical certificates and payment commitment requests must be processed through the messaging service as before.