Palvelukuvaukset, ohjeet, lomakkeet ja sähköinen asiointi korvausten hakemiseen
Yhteiskunnan hyväksi, asiakkaitamme kuunnellen.
The State Treasury is an agency operating under the Ministry of Finance (VM). We are in charge of government loans and debt and cash management and we manage central government accounting and accident compensation payments to government employees. We disburse compensation payments to citizens for military injuries and criminal damage, and administer loans, interest subsidies and parliamentary loan guarantees granted from government funds. We develop and produce internal corporate services for central government finances and personnel administration. The agency was founded in 1876. It employs approximately 270 people.
Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tai muita julkaisujamme, niin pysyt perillä ajankohtaisista asioistamme.
Valtiokonttorilla on useita sosiaalisen median kanavia. Käytämme sosiaalista mediaa mm. verkostoitumiseen ja tiedon jakamiseen.