On this page you will find a list of contact details for financing and loan services grouped by services.

Please also note our service-specific customer service time and prefer email when contacting us.

The Lending unit can be contacted by telephone on weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon.
Fax +358 295 50 3801

Calling and queuing costs will be in accordance with the caller’s own operator’s local network and mobile phone charge. In addition, the operator may charge a separate per-minute fee because numbers starting with 029 are usually not included in phone subscriptions. The State Treasury does not charge service fees or additional fees for calls. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send text messages to joint service numbers.

Arava loans and interest subsidies

Guarantees, mergers, loan transfers, Arava restrictions
Financial revitalisation measures and financial arrangements for Arava rental housing communities, conversion guarantees, risk management, debt settlement, collection

Credit Manager Jari Häkkinen, tel.+358 295 50 2080

Arava loans

Customer service:
Telephone +358 295 50 3030 (weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon)
E-mail aravalainat(at)statetreasury.fi

Collateral Specialist Henriikka Samuelsson, tel. +358 295 50 2078
Finance Specialist Eeva Jäske, tel. +358 295 50 2008
Finance Specialist Tuija Käckman, tel. +358 295 50 2767
Finance Specialist Marjo Terävä, tel. +358 295 50 2538
Finance Specialist Jonna Reilimo, tel. +358 295 50 2399

Interest subsidies to communities

Customer service:
E-mail subsidies(at)statetreasury.fi

Finance Specialist Helena Arttola, tel. +358 295 50 2134
Finance Specialist Jenna Juntunen, tel. +358 295 50 2103
Credit Officer Noora Mansikka, tel. +358 295 50 2084
Credit Officer Anna-Riikka Saastamoinen, tel. +358 295 50 2177
Credit Officer Linda Öhman, tel. +358 295 50 2071

ASP loans and guarantees

Credit Manager Mirkka Luoma, tel. +358 295 50 2515

Customer service:
tel. +358 295 50 2248 (from 10 a.m. to noon)
E-mail asp(at)statetreasury.fi

ASP monitoring: 
E-mail asp.valvonta(at)statetreasury.fi

Finance Specialist Elina Vanhanen, tel. +358 295 50 3339
Credit Officer Anne Kostamo, tel. +358 295 50 2040
Credit Officer Jani Kuusisto, tel. +358 295 50 2254
Credit Officer Julius Rauramaa, tel. +358 295 50 2194
Credit Secretary Katariina Leskinen, tel. +358 295 50 3043
Credit Specialist Jenny Laakso, tel. +358 295 50 2006
Credit Officer Mirka Ketola (on leave)

Company loans and specific purpose credit

Credit Manager Maria-Elisa Eerikäinen, tel. +358 295 502 510

Company loans

Product development loans, loans for unincorporated state enterprises

Customer service:
Telephone tel. +358 295 50 2530 (weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon)
E-mail yritysluotot(at)statetreasury.fi

Finance Specialist Riikka Saaranen, tel. +358 295 50 3381
Finance Secretary Saana Inberg, tel. +358 295 50 2160
Credit Secretary Kertu Martinson-Harri, tel. +358 295 50 2396
Finance Secretary Salla Takanen (on leave)

Government guarantees

Customer service:
E-mail valtiontakaukset(at)statetreasury.fi

Finance Specialist Sonja Nivala, tel. +358 295 2189

Agricultural credits

Purchase price receivables, skolt loans, land improvement loans, forest improvement loans, basic drainage loans, redistribution loans

Customer service:
Telephone tel. +358 295 50 3010 (weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon)
E-mail maaseutuluotot(at)statetreasury.fi

Finance Inspector Maarit Toivettula, tel. +358 295 50 2523


Head of Department Sanna Pälsi, tel. +358 295 50 2210
Deputy Director, Housing Finance, Soile Karttunen, tel. +358 295 3313
Deputy Director, Specific Purpose Credit, Marika Rinnemaa, tel. +358 295 3371

Legal & Risk Control

Head of Legal Hannele Leander, tel. +358 295 50 2172
Legal Counsel Alexandra Renwall, tel. +358 295 50 2097
Legal Counsel Ida-Maria Mäkinen, tel. +358 295 50 2343

Development & Product Management

Team Lead Mirva Suoknuuti, tel. +358 295 50 2025

Development, Product Management & Reporting

Application development, main administrator duties and reporting

Email sovellushallinta(at)statetreasury.fi

Development Manager Eero Valli, tel. +358 295 50 2583
System Specialist Pia Saaristo, tel. +358 295 50 2569
Applications Specialist Sari-Marja Piiroinen, tel. +358 295 50 2524
Information Services Specialist Veli-Matti Varila, tel. +358 295 50 2128
Information Services Manager Niina Lempinen, tel. +358 295 50 2565

Credit Service

Payment transactions, customer service

Customer service:
Telephone tel. +358 295 50 2520 (weekdays from 10 a.m. to noon)
E-mail luottopalvelu(at)statetreasury.fi

Credit Secretary Päivi Linsén, tel. +358 295 50 2477
Credit Secretary Tea Niemelä, tel. +358 295 59 2032

  • The Management group of the Finance Division

    Mika Arola, acting Director of the division, Deputy Director Risks and Strategy
    Sanna Pälsi, Deputy Director Lending
    Anu Sammallahti, Deputy Director Funding and Liquidity Management
    Juha Savolainen, Deputy Director Portfolio Management
    Jan Kortesuo, Deputy Director Finance information management and Back Office
    Tiina Heinilä, Communications Specialist

    Email addresses are of the format forename.surname@statetreasury.fi